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More precisely, we are in Torre Orsaia, a medieval village in the heart of the Cilento DOC area. Once called “Terra Turris Ursajae”, it was founded at the time of the Normans, when raids by Arab pirates drove the coastal populations to move towards the inland areas, by the Bishop of Policastrum Monsignor Pagano, who in 1301, fled from the then Episcopal seat, ordered the construction of a new imposing Episcopio, where the new settlement around developed.

One of the first actions that were accomplished, almost as if by a twist of fate, was to create a huge vineyard, called Vinea Epalis, ordered for the benefit of the clergy, to which the new citizens of Torres were called to collaborate. Thus, between bishops and corsairs, Arabs and Normans, the history of Tenuta Sellata originated.

We are based in Campania, in the centre of the Gulf of Policastro, in the Cilento National Park, which since June 1997 has been part of the Mab-UNESCO network of Biosphere Reserves (there are around 350 of them worldwide).

A marvellous territory in which climate, soil and vines coexist in an extraordinary balance, generating ideal natural conditions to produce high-quality wines. The climate, due to the Apennine ridge that reaches as far as the coast, is characterised by abundant rainfall, harsh winters and mild summers. This morphological conformation generates a very original landscape, flourishing and rich in greenery.